Medisono P25 EXPERT (Өнгөт Допплер ЭХО)

Medisono P25 EXPERT (Өнгөт Допплер ЭХО)

Product information



РехаМед СапплайАмерикийн 35 жилийн туршлагатай Medisono брэндийн албан ёсны борлуулагч Рехамед Сапплай. Бид танд өндөр чанарын дүрсний шийдэл, америк сервис, найдвартай ажиллагааг санал болгож байна.Америк улсад үйлдвэрлэсэнОрж ирсэн он: 2024 он ЦОО ШИНЭЗагвар: P25 EXPERT - Бэлэн худалдаалагдаж байна.Medisono бүх бараан дээр захиалга байнга авч байна.Проб: Convex, Linear - Бэлэн худалдаалагдаж байна.Та бүхэн Medisono-оос өөрсдийн шаардлагад нийцсэн, хүссэн загвараар ЭХО болон Проб сонгож нэмэлтээр захиалан авах боломжтой ба түргэн шуурхай нийлүүлэлт хийнэ.Мэдээлэл авах утас: 80757744, 7766-7744Имэйл: [email protected]Баянзүрх дүүрэг, 7-р хороо, Энхтайвны өргөн чөлөө, 13343, 46-р байрGoogle map link: Энд дарна ууMedisono P25 EXPERTAdvanced Color Doppler SystemHigh Performances without compromiseThe ability to accurately adjust the height of the keyboard and orientation of our 22″ high resolution LED monitor ensures comfort and efficiency in daily routine. Focus on Ergonomics and Design; 22-inch high definition LCD monitor with large imaging area, optional 13,3” Touch screen, adjustable control panel, the innovative Keyboard and the shape of the probes have been developed by following and observing the day to day activities of ultrasound users. Resulting new innovative product offering new technologies driven by easier software interface reduced and simplified movements during examination and better comfort for the user and patients.Benefits·        Complete imaging mode: 2D with THI, Colour M, CFM, PDI, PW, HPRF, CW, Contrast Imaging, Elastography, Stress Echo·        Full range of Linear, Convex, Phased Array, Endocavity , TEE, Intraoperative ,VolumeTtric, and Biplane TRT probes, wide scanning Angle Endo-Cavity Probe·        High density transducers with frequencies ranging from 1.9 to 17 MHz·        5-band adjustable frequency in B mode (fundamental wave and harmonic wave)·        22-inch high definition LCD monitor with large imaging area·        Five active transducer sockets and one pencil socket·        Ergonomic design with 13,3-inch touch screen with intuitive user interface and fast system response greatly improve workflow during daily scanningFeaturesHigh-performance and advanced on-board technologies combined with ease of use. New Front End platform to deliver a reliable diagnosis, and ensure every day productivity increase simplicity has never been seen on such a high-level ultrasound scanner.Advanced and complete solution for ultrasound users with the most up- to- date Imaging technologies providing impressive image quality in most modalities and applications and ensure the highest level of diagnosis.Advanced Technologies·        High-Class Volumetric Probe·        Wide Scanning Angle Endo-Cavity Probe·        Flexible User-Defined Keys·        Ultrasound-Guided Puncture·        Outstanding 3D/4D Imaging Quality·        Excellent 2D Image Quality even in the Color Mode·        Real-time Panoramic Imaging·        Trapezoid Imaging·        Contrast imaging with TIC·        Elastography·        High Sensitivity of Blood Flow·        Interventional features with Needle enanchement·        Powerful Patient Information Management System·        M-Tuning One Button Optimization·        Stress Echo

Төлбөрийн нөхцөл

Төлбөрийн нөхцөл

Төлбөрийг бүрэн шилжүүлснээр захиалга баталгаажна. Та гүйлгээний утга дээр захиалгын код, утасны дугаараа бичээрэй.

Хүргэлтийн нөхцөл

Хүргэлтийн нөхцөл

Бид хүргэлт хийх боломжгүй байгаа тул та бараагаа дараах хаягаас ирж авна уу: Улаанбаатар, Баянзүрх дүүрэг 7-р хороо, Зүүн 4 зам, 13345