Product information



ГҮНИЙ ОСЦИЛЛЯЦИГерман улсын Физиомед компанийн олон улсад патенттай технологиЯагаад"Гүний осцилляци”гэдэг вэ?Арьсны гаднаталаас хүний биеийн гүнд үйлчилж, хүний биед 8-10 см гүн нэвтэрч арьс, холбогчэд, арьсан доорх өөхөн эд, булчин, мэдрэл, судас, тунгалгийн судалд хүрчүйлчилнэ.·        Бүх төрлийн мэс заслын хагалгааны шархыг нөхөн төлжүүлэх·        Үе мөчний үрэвсэлт өвчин, булчин, холбогч эдийн гэмтэл, нурууны эмгэгийг эмчлэх, өвдөлт намдаах·        Хаван,целлюлит, хурц идээт үрэвслийг хувьсах цахилгаан гүний осцилляци статик гүйдлийн зарчмаар эмчилдэгМөн хагалгааны дараа шууд эхлүүлдэг ЦОРЫН ГАНЦ физик эмчилгээ.Биеийн гүнд үйлчилж өвдөлт намдаан, хаван буулгаж,эдгэрэлт түргэсгэх патенттай эмчилгээ. Өвчтөнд таатай мэдрэмж төрүүлдэг, эмчилгээний хугацаа богино.Мэдээлэл авах утас: 80757744, 7766-7744Имэйл: [email protected]Баянзүрх дүүрэг, 7-р хороо, Энхтайвны өргөн чөлөө, 13343, 46-р байрGoogle map link: Энд дарна уу DEEP OSCILLATION® Evident CLINICSFaster regeneration after surgery, traumatic injury and in neurological indications – in pain, oedema, inflammation, wound healingProduct descriptionDEEP OSCILLATION® Evident allows you to begin treatment with maximum speed and ease: direct selection of deep oscillation parameters, over the indication index or program memory. During treatment you have a constant overview of all values and timers. With decades of proven use, the PHYSIOMED one-button operation allows fast intuitive operation in combination with the touch screen.Deep oscillation characteristics can be adjusted precisely to the desired treatment over the individual setting of frequency (or frequency band), duty cycle, burst function and therapy duration. The extensive indication list with practical information, graphics, animations and patient database with ‘potpourri‘ function additionally ease use.How it worksIn contrast to externally applied, mechanical forms of therapy, (e. g. vibration), the therapy effect of DEEP OSCILLATION® takes place in the tissue itself and works through the entire depth of the tissue. This causes DEEP OSCILLATION® to be especially gentle and makes it an unmatched treatment alternative for fresh trauma, from Day One post operatively, for acute pain and in the area of open wounds. Deep oscillation for clinical applicationsTwo-channel deep oscillationFrequeny range from 5-250 HzIndividual setting of frequency, frequency bands, duty cycle, duration of therapy and burst functionContact elements made from biocompatible titaniumSpecial hand applicators in two sizes for all-over and local treatmentEasily interchangeable treatment heads guarantee a hygienic applicationSpecial gloves for direct treatmentGeneral featuresPerfected user guidance through combination of touch screen and PHYSIOMED one-button operation8“ colour monitorSwivel and tilt mount for optimum monitor alignment at all timesComprehensive overview of the therapy parameters including all therapy timersFastest therapy start: direct, through program memory or indications indexTreatment index with intelligent filtering functions based on body region or per alphabet for quick location of the desired treatment proposalExtensive therapy and dosage suggestions and detailed animations illustrating treatment, which can be viewed during therapy at the touch of a buttonPatient database for max. 100 entries: up to 5 treatment levels can be saved and configured as potpourris per patientMultifunctional intensity controls allowing for fast intensity reduction and quick switching between channelsFeatures·        Treatment index with filtering function·        Detailed animations·        User guidance and overview·        Multifunctional intensity controls·        Patient database·        Optimum monitor alignment·        Therapy card DEEP OSCILLATION®·        Validation of tissue effect·        Clinical effects and studies - pain reduction  

Төлбөрийн нөхцөл

Төлбөрийн нөхцөл

Төлбөрийг бүрэн шилжүүлснээр захиалга баталгаажна. Та гүйлгээний утга дээр захиалгын код, утасны дугаараа бичээрэй.

Хүргэлтийн нөхцөл

Хүргэлтийн нөхцөл

Бид хүргэлт хийх боломжгүй байгаа тул та бараагаа дараах хаягаас ирж авна уу: Улаанбаатар, Баянзүрх дүүрэг 7-р хороо, Зүүн 4 зам, 13345